Braxton Hicks vs real ones

Anne • **🧒🏻 6/24/11* *👼🏻 8/9/18** **👧🏼🌈11/23/19🌈**👧🏻 7/12/21**

Where do braxton hicks usually occur compared to real contractions?

I'm almost 33 weeks and before tonight all I've ever had was a little tightening in the lower abdomen and felt like a period cramp and it was quick. Tonight I had one of those and very shortly after that I had one that my whole belly tightend up and cramped and it lasted a bit long and after my vag felt funny. It honestly scared the shit out of me.

With my first (8years ago) I don't remember anything like that. My water broke before I even started any kind of contractions.