Rough day

brooke • girl mama💗💗

Today has been rough. My daughter is teething and on top of that she has a cold. She hasn’t napped good all day. She was very exhausted, I could tell but she just didn’t want to sleep. I don’t blame her though, I wouldn’t be able to sleep if my gums were hurting and I was all stuffy. 😔 I feel so bad because she probably feels like crap and so miserable 😢 I’m beyond exhausted myself and feel like I’m going to just fall over. I just put her in her bassinet and she’s been quiet and just staring around sucking on her pacifier, dozing off, and scratching her bassinet sheet because that’s how she soothes herself. I’m actually surprised because usually I have to rock her 50 times because she wakes up wide eyed when I put her down even though she was just drowsy. Although any minute she can fuss, I feel so relieved I can finally sit down and have a minute to myself after this long day of dealing with teething and a cold! I haven’t done any sleep training. I have no idea why she’s just laying there dozing off by herself 😱 what is this life