36 weeks and 5 days with twins.


Today I am 36 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my twin boys today and my hubby and I are excited to meet our boys. We have been going to appointments once a week and I am having Braxton Hicks Contractions but no real labor Contractions. I am not dialated or ephased and my Doctor says that I might actually make it to my due date or even go over. I hope that I don't go past my due date. I already feel huge as it is and I know my boys are already on the bigger side. Baby A (Harrison) is measuring at 7 lbs 6 oz. Baby B (Grayson) is measuring at 7 lbs 9 oz. It may not seem like they are big but if I go to my due date or past it they will be over 8 lbs. Babies on both sides of our families tend to be bigger. I just hope that they come soon and if not, I will get induced or I will have to get a C-section which is the last thing I want but if it comes down to it, I will get a c-section because the health of me and our boys is what matters most.