Always wanted kids, but i think I’ve changed my mind


The title pretty much says it all. My entire life I was so certain I wanted to be a mom at some point. I’ve always been so sure about having two kids. I’ve had my fair share of pregnancy scares and as terrifying as the situations were, part of me would be elated with joy. I’m now even more elated that they were only scares.

I’m now 25 and as I get older I think more about the practicality of procreating; there isn’t much. Every reason for having a child feels like a selfish one. Ex. I want to experience the scientific miracle of making a person, I will make a great mother, to give my parents grandchildren, because my boyfriend and I will make a badass kid. Not one of those reasons is practical.

What about my financial stability? My mental stability? The rising mortality rates of pregnant women in America? What about the business my boyfriend and I are building? What about the environment? School shootings? What about all of the babies, kids, and teens who need to be adopted?

Every time I get those little baby fever feels all of these other thoughts follow, and it nearly breaks my heart.

I’m honestly just posting this to hear any feedback from you guys, so tell me you think!