Desperate for help (sort of long)


I am posting here because I also have a 3 month old and I know that some of you have toddlers as well but This is about my 20 month old, she has been a terrible sleeper since day 1 (I mean waking up 6-8 times if not more a night and still to this day does, but it use to be up stir then go right back to sleep lately it’s been worse, I’m to the point where just for a little sleep I’m sleeping with her so it’s not walking between rooms, now I can just lean over and comfort her, she literally wakes up terrified, during the day time for the last month her temper tantrums have been ridiculous!!!!! But between tantrums she is the happiest sweetest little girl that everyone falls in love with. I have been so desperate I took her to see à paediatrician for the sleep issue and tantrums and they did a blood test on her and found out she has extremely low iron, I was told that is the cause for her sleep and tantrums, however it will take 4 months to get her iron up and really see a difference. My question after this long message is has anyone ever experienced or heard of someone else going through something similar, and if you have a toddler that has had to a of tantrums what did you do? How did you deal with them? I’m just ignoring her tantrums and then once she picks herself off the floor and is calm then I pay attention to her, it’s not always easy especially when he tantrum comes from taking something away that she can’t have.

I am desperate for some good advice, and if you happen to have similar situation with the sleep that would be great if you could shed some light on how to improve that also

Thank you