Joint Pain? *Update*


Has anyone else experienced joint pain after giving birth? I had my son 5 months ago, and ever since my wrists and thumbs have had some serious joint pain. I’ve never experienced this before. I’m 25, play soccer, am relatively fit, haven’t really changed my diet or anything so I’m confused. I have no clue why, other than excessive baby holding from being a new mom, my wrists and thumbs hurt. Things like texting, gripping the steering wheel, massaging my breasts while pumping, etc all hurt. Basically any movement I do.

My thumbs feel as though they have been jammed 24/7. It’s so odd and I’m hoping I’m not the only one who has had this problem. Anyone else experienced this? Any advice one what to do?


Went into the clinic today. Apparently I strained the joint between my thumb and wrist on both hands. The hormones during pregnancy loosened up the joint and ligaments and once I had my baby boy I was constantly using my hands to hold him, pump, etc which has strained that joint over the past 5 months. Now I’m in dual splints for 3 weeks 👍🏻😒