My children in heaven..


I can only imagine the reunion.

The light at the end of the tunnel, 3 of my children running to me with open arms along with Jesus at their side. Though I wish to live a long life here on earth (God willing) I can only find comfort in imagining what it will be like when I finally get to hold them, smell their heads, hear their laughs, see if they got my eye color or their dads....

I asked for God to name each of my children. I don’t want them “nameless” while in waiting. I want to know their names. I want to meet their guardian angels who helped them pass over. If my great grandmother reads to them in heaven....

My children in heaven, every day I think about you and wonder what could of been. Now I’m trying to focus on what is to be when I meet you in heaven. I hope you’re proud of your mom and dad. Our love goes through the barriers of death. I hope you feel it.

I’ll look for you when I see a butterfly, in the clouds, in a storm, in a rainbow. I’ll look for you when I witness a stranger doing something kind for another stranger. I’ll look for your touch in Sunday service when the pastor preaches on loss, love, forgiveness.

I’m working on a lot of things since you all left. Be kind to each other.

I love you,

Mom and Dad