You ruined My Life

I hate you so much, you ruined my life. You ruined everything, how could you? How could you be so stupid.

I don’t want the your young excuse or you didn’t know. This is all your fault

It’s all your fault. You thought you could do it all and handle everything and got tired or maybe you got to comfortable and decided that not paying your rent for a month was okay or not paying your two car notes for two months was okay that you could just work hard and paying it off, that maybe you had time.

And maybe you thought getting not one but two dogs was okay in an apartment that says no dogs, but you thought that because you have a seizure disorder that it would be fine. But you where wrong you

First got evicted

Second the cars repossessed

Three had to find new homes for your dogs

Then you husband lost his job and medical benefits so now you have no insurance and your a type 1 diabetic

Honda didn’t want to work with you to get the cars back and sadly not even a week after your cars where repossessed your credit tanked 198 points and that 700 credit went down to a 502 and now you don’t qualify for anything. But don’t worry your credit cards will hit your credit kicking you down to a 457 and now your living with your husbands mom and he’s become emotionally abusive but you can’t say anything because this is all your fault. Everything you did in the past doesn’t matter, because you lost it all anyways. But you can’t do anything because you don’t have anyone to turn too or no where to go. You where a DCF child so you don’t have family and your antisocial so you don’t have friends. All you have is your emotionally abusive husband and there’s nothing you can do because you have no job yet since moving to his moms house that’s in another state and not knowing your way around your stuck you have no where to go. I hope it was all worth it the self sabotage was the best I’ve seen yet. You had it all and now now your worthless. Good job self you fucked yourself so good! Everything that’s happening you deserve. For being so fucking stupid. I am interested in seeing how you get yourself out of this one. Because I don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel.