Getting tested after MC

Hi everyone! I’m finally trying to get myself together from this devastating recent MC I experienced this past weekend. My next step is to try get tested to figure out why I had these two miscarriages. I spoke with my OBGYN and she said I’d have to wait till my pregnancy hormones are down to zero to get tested which is 1-2 months after. Ideally until all the sac has been completely removed from my uterus. I’m so conflicted on if I should avoid trying to get pregnant and try to figure out why I’m miscarrying. It makes me wonder if my progesterone is low, my tsh is out of whacked or my uterine is the problem? Or is it the bad luck of the draw that Hubby and I have been getting bad sperms and eggs that fertilized together... did anyone have experience with getting tested and what kind of testing did you do?