Formula Mommies !!!! Help 5 wks postpartum


I’ve tried all I could to ump my milk supply !! But I’m just left with so little oz.. baby has never been able to latch so had to top his feedings with formula using a bottle at around 2weeks old ( similac sensitive) and he started to be colicky gassy fussy and constipated I felt terrible so I tried using a nipple shield it went great for about 2-3 days then after he seemed to be hungry more often so I tried pumping again every 2-3 hours but only get like 1oz each breast so I figured that’s why my baby has been more hungry because my supply decreased a lot more :( !!! What formula have y’all tried that worked for your baby!?

* every time I tried latching him was so painful I had heaches and using the nipple shield took a while to latch which just made him frustrated