Failed induction help !

Jay • Angel Baby 31/10/18 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby due 15/10/19 🌈 🇨🇦 gave birth to Rainbow on 24/10/2019 at 5:55am !

I am just beginning to give up on this all. I’m 41 weeks and had an induction but it failed 😫😭😭 not even dilated and my cervix was forced open by my OB to help the induction. I am so ready for this to be over. Right now, my husband and I are just thinking back to our miscarriage almost a year ago how we went to hospital and kept being sent home, then going back again and again. I just want this to be over and not have to go home, and I just want to meet our baby girl !! It’s so frustrating. 😥😡 we have to be at hospital tomorrow morning to try another induction...but at this point I am just wanting to ask for a c-section and to see our daughter.

I am feeling like a big mess right now !! Why can’t this be easy 😫😫😫