Small win!


So we've been going through the sleep regression HARD for the last 3 weeks. I've posted about it a couple times. Last night I decided to try the Ferber method and an earlier bed time. Usually we have been putting him to bed at 8:30 and he wakes up every 2 hours. Last night I fed him from both boobs so I knew he'd be nice and full and put him down at 8pm while still awake. He went to bed without a fuss and fell asleep on his own. Win #1.

He ended up eaking up at 10:45pm. Prior to this I had been nursing him back to sleep. I let him cry for 5 mins, went in and put his paci back in and shushed him and hand on chest for 2 mins and walked back out. He cried for another 10 mins or so and when he finally realized I wasn't coming back he put himself back to sleep!! I was shocked!

He woke up again around midnight and we did the same thing. He went back to sleep in 5 mins!

Then he woke up at 4:30 and I could tell he was hungry so i nursed him. He went right back to sleep and slept til 6:30 this morning and I had to wake him up for daycare! I never have to wake him up.

Even though he still woke up a few times, it was soo much better and so much less screaming than the other nights the last 3 weeks. I consider this a win! Hopefully tonight is even better!