Was not going to ttc.

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi


I havent actually had a real period since my d&c. Light spotting for three weeks (at the time my period should have been coming) but no real bleeding

Got tested and my doc says I still have HCG in my system that could be from the last pregnancy.... or she said possibly a new pregnancy. Weve been using condoms we weren't ready to try again after this recent, and third, miscarriage.

I've had bo pregnancy symptoms and would be 6-8 weeks bow. But I feel like there should be no way were pregnant again.

I'm getting tested again next week to see if my levels rise or drop.

I'm not prepared for another miscarriage.... I cant seem to think it being anything else because I'm not taking anything I would need for my condition that affects pregnancy until we know I'm pregnant or not.