OBGYN cancelled my ultrasound after chemical pregnancy?

I started bleeding on Monday, at approx. 5 weeks. Thursday night I got an obvious positive hpt. Couldn’t get into the dr until Monday. Took 3 more tests over the weekend, they kept getting more and more faint. Started bleeding Monday, went to my appt. Dr sent me to the ER where they did a urine test, it came back negative and they told me I was probably having a chemical, but that they couldn’t say for sure since my positives were home tests and not done in office. Told me to follow up with my dr. I’m not established with an OB yet.

I went to my dr again yesterday and she agreed it was a chemical and sent an emergency referral to an OB, she wanted me to get an ultrasound to make sure everything is passing. I was supposed to have the ultrasound today at 11am. They ordered hcg bloodwork yesterday and got the results early this morning. Called and said my hcg was at zero so there was no point in doing the ultrasound. Should I still have an ultrasound done or am I ok? I’ve been cramping and still bleeding fairly heavy but nothing severe. I’ve also been passing lots of tissue and clots.

The phone nurse from OB who canceled my appointment told me I was never pregnant and probably got some bad hpt’s..which I thought was pretty offensive of her to say. I know it was still very early on but I’m really hurting emotionally from the loss. As soon as I hit 7dpo I knew I was pregnant, I could feel it. I’m really upset at myself for waiting until 12dpo to test otherwise I could’ve had bloodwork done sooner.

These were my hpt’s taken Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. It’s hard to see but the three on the bottom all have faint lines, the last one is barely there.