
Not dilated. Not effaced. Cervix still really high and she’s just bouncing around in there. Living her best womb life I guess.


Was hoping for VBAC but now I have to schedule a repeat C section which will be 11/11.

Edit to say I have polyhydramnios and my fluid is above 35 so they do not want my water to break on its own. If I was to be dilated to 3/4, they would admit me and break my water under supervision which is what I was hoping for. :(

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Posted at
I was only around a fingertip dilated at 36 weeks and at 37 I was still only a 1. Going in for my 38 week appt today and will find out if I’ve dilated more, but 36 weeks is still really early to base the decision of a csection on just because there’s no dilation yet..


Haley • Oct 23, 2019
Ah ok that makes sense


Kaitlyn • Oct 23, 2019
I have polyhydramnios and my fluid is over 35 so they don’t want my water to break on its own. I was hoping I had made some kind of progress on my own but he doesn’t think I’ll progress with the amount of fluid I have.


Posted at
I had no progress until all of a sudden I progressed really fast. My water never naturally broke. I hope everything works out the way you want it too. Best of luck


Kaitlyn • Oct 23, 2019
I still have my fingers crossed I can progress in the next two weeks. I guess as long as we are both safe, that’s all I should be concerned with. Just a little bummed this is my last baby and I possibly can’t do it my way.


Posted at
Same with me. 36 weeks and nothing. My c section is scheduled on 11/14.


Posted at
Are there other concerns? 36 weeks is still really early to worry about dilation.


Sam • Oct 23, 2019
Haha I get that. I am hoping for a vbac as well but this baby doesn’t want to go head down so we will see.


Kaitlyn • Oct 23, 2019
Yeah I think I was in that bummed/shocked stage when I posted and left out about the poly 😂


Sam • Oct 23, 2019
Definitely makes sense! Here’s to hoping you progress!!


Posted at
But you still have 4 full weeks til your due date... Things can happen really fast, within hours or a day. Why are they rushing to schedule a c-section?


Kaitlyn • Oct 23, 2019
Thank you! I feel bad being bummed about another c section. As long as we are both safe, that’s all that should matter


Silje • Oct 23, 2019
Then I understand! Hope everything goes smoothly for you 👍


Kaitlyn • Oct 23, 2019
Of course I still hope she will come before the scheduled C section. 🤞🏼


Posted at
I’m the same- But already had CS scheduled. Might possibly be moved up cause I’m measuring 39 weeks lol just belly. Haven’t checked on ultrasound. I refused VBAC though