Early Period? 😡

Kim • 33• 💍 💕• 👦🏼💙 11/8/17 • ttc w/ secondary infertility • stage 4 endo ✨🤰🏼👶🏼🎀EDD 12.6.24 🌈

My period is 29-30 days every. Single. Cycle. I have a 2 year old and just started trying for number 2 this month. I’ve taken two tests and they’re all negative. Now AF shows up early!? On cd 25! My cycle has been perfect for two years... but the first month I try it’s all messed up. What the heck. I didn’t expect to become pregnant the first month trying because it didn’t happen that easy with my first, but I didn’t expect to have issues with my cycle all of a sudden. Ugh! Anyone else experience this?