Looking for Insight/spilling all my feelings

I miscarried at 6 weeks back in July. This is the first cycle we’ve /tried/ again and I say that very loosely because I wasn’t tracking my ovulation or my temperature we based everything off the window of ovulation glow gives basically a -If it happens it happens mindset.

With my last pregnancy I knew- I want to say a week before I was supposed to have my period and I got positive at home tests 5 days before my period. Even without the tests I knew, i had implantation bleeding. I felt it. I was nauseous from the beginning, not to the point I was puking but waves, it would come and go, my breasts HURT, I was getting headaches and having mood swings

Today I’m 6 days from when I’m supposed to start my period and I feel like maybe I am. I’ve had some lower back pain but no bleeding, I’ve been moody. I’m only making this post because I woke up this morning feeling nauseous and my boobs hurt. I don’t want to test yet or get too worked up and I think I’m downplaying how I’m feeling because I’m scared. I want this so bad but I don’t want to be disappointed.