Feel like giving up ☹️

So it’s been almost 11 months since we have actively been trying to conceive. During those 11 months I got a diagnosis of PCOS by ultrasound (vaginal) but my bloods came back all normal which was super weird.

I’ve been with my partner for 9 years now. I have never been on any form of birth control (other than condoms for a short while when we first got together) but we have always been ‘careful’. what worries me is now we are trying to conceive it isn’t happening. Should I be worried?

Other half has an appointment soon to check his sperm count and overall health but I just can’t understand how I have never fell pregnant? Considering we have been together for so long and never used protection?

Every month AF shows up It actually breaks my heart and it’s getting to the point now where I’m on the brink of giving up!☹️😢😔

Any advice would be appreciated!