Thyroid removal


So my period isnt due untill friday. But for the past 3 days ive just felt different. Like i kind of know im pregnant but to scared to test and get a negative result. With my past 3 pregnancies i dont remember feeling so crampy and so many back pains. Im almost afraid im miscarrying again.

I also noticed my nipples secreting a clear liquid when i press on them which is all new to me. I recently had a hemi thyroidectomy and thankfully on no medication as of yet. (A miscarriage is what led to finding my thyroid issues)

Wondering how soon that the hormal level can change if i am pregnant and if my body can support a pregnancy?? Anyone had a similar situation?

Asking for advice because my endocrinologist isnt taking appointments untill 2020 :(

And this is a whole new situation for me now.