Gender disappointment


I’m thankful for a healthy baby, don’t get me wrong. It’s in Gods will, whatever he so graciously wanted to gift me with.

BUT I can’t lie and say I’m happy with having boy #2. All I ever wanted was only 2 kids, a boy and girl, in whatever order they came. And I know it’s asking a lot but I know plenty of couples who get blessed with a pair.

My mom passed away when I was 7 and I wanted a daughter to pass my moms name down to, wanted a mother daughter bond that I only had for 7 short years. I prayed for a daughter, I invested so much energy into it and in half a second, after my son popped the balloon... it all faded.i looked it up and gender disappointment is common but hardly talked about.

Anyone have stories on what they did to cope with the “depression” of it all.

I know the gender and I’d assume I’d be happy to start slowly buying stuff and I have absolutely no interest in doing it.

Please don’t judge me, I know I’ll love him as much as my first when he comes but right now. I’m upset.