
Me and my fiance are expecting our other little one June 21st, 2020 so our 7 month old daughter is a big sister and his son ( my step son ) will be a big brother. And tonight i am beyond emotional. Dad and i are over the moon excited about our baby coming soon. Found out we was expecting while he was down at his mom's. We ain't gonna find out the gender until our gender reveal. I've been dying to tell everyone but i can't because we don't want anyone finding out. Because his ex girlfriend/ baby momma, and my aunt's and uncle's, my grandma and her boyfriend all have problems with me. My grandma and her boyfriend has a problem with my fiance too. But i don't care what anyone thinks about us. Their opinions aren't needed. But i can't wait to get a place of our own down south. So much calmer and away from stress and drama. Together in total i have 2 daughters my aunt has custody of 1. I have full custody of me and my fiance's 7 month old. My fiance's son and now this one that is baking in the oven. So yeah lol big family. But my fiance's baby momma has full custody over their son. His baby momma is a down right bitch/ whore. And there is reasons behind why i called her that.

Always smiling everyday and night. Every second of every day. Amd on top of that overly spoiled. My fault 😂