The story behind my "pregnancy"


Hello fellow ladies.

Earlier this month I learned the new I became pregnant! How exciting, so I thought.

We carried on think this was gonna be it, until I started bleeding that was. I was spotting almost all day everyday. I go really nauseous and started puking. So much that I couldn't even eat anymore or hold down fluids, with out pills for puking.

A few weeks went by and I got a minor fever, so I was concerned and went to the hospital. This is where all they checked was my urine and said nope your fine just normal pregnancy stuff. Let me remind you. They didn't check my blood nor an ultrasound, nothing!

The following week my "spotting" got worse, so I took the liberty to call my prenatal doctor a week before my first visit. We got a whole bunch of blood work done, my exam, as well as tried to get a heart beat from the baby.

There was no heart beat.

After the weekend and my original appointment happened we go through my test all seems fine, but my hormone level is very high, thinking this could be normal based of how far I am "10w 2d". We check again for a heart beat, still nothing.

The following day I have my ultrasound. This is today (October 23 2019). The Teck didn't show me the screen. Then we had to switch from belly to internal ultrasound. She starts taking tons of shot. Then she goes to go get the full images. So I wait, and wait, and wait. Then finally she came back in. I'm told to see my doctor asap at the clinic.

I'm scared at this point and I had every right to be, because sometime after I get told that my pregnancy is abnormal. It is a MOLAR PREGNANCY!

After this is get sent to a gyno where I now wait at home for my surgery in the morning to remove, a mass of cells taking the place of what should of been a baby.