Please Help 🙏🏼


So after my MMC in July and a suspected chemical in August I'm pregnant again..

I had a minor bleeding last Saturday and went to the hospital. Had my anti D injection due being O negative.

They checked my Hcg and they were 1370. I was apparently 5w6d. I had another test with a different lab Tuesday and hcg was 1828 I was 6w2d.

The doctor didn't give good or bad news just asked me to do two more test. Did say that it should have increased at least to 2500.

I did one today and will do another on Saturday.

Could you please share if you started your pregnancy with a slow rising. I have headaches, tired (maybe because I have cried a lot) , nauseous here and there not mayor, same with breast pain. Some mild back cramps that's all.

Have you had a slow hcg start like me??

Thanks guys, I truly appreciate your help