Feelings and worries

Hey yall. I lost my son on May 27th at 25 weeks and it was by far the hardest thing I've had to go through. I know many of you mamas out there know how this feels. Losing our babies is all too common and it really makes me depressed at times because I've heard hundreds of stories. Anyways I'm having an internal crisis I guess. I miss my son dearly. Anything still makes be break down randomly. Commercials, you name it. I haven't been to my son's grave since his funeral. We live near the cemetery so we pass by often. Im feeling really guilty, depressed, angry at my self, and like a shitty mom in general because of that. I'm scared to go honestly. I've made it to the driveway and completely frozen. I have no idea what the deal is. Anyone have any input? Should i go to therapy? Am i a horrible mom for not visiting my son's grave? We have a memorial for him in our home as well as a necklace i wear constantly. I guess im just lost as to how i should be feeling? Idk. Rambling now. Better post it. Love you guys!!