No blasts from first ivf cycle


The embryologist called today and none of the 3 remaining day 5 morulas from yesterday made it today. I am absolutely devastated and heartbroken. I had a transfer yesterday with "the best looking day 5 morula" but it was obviously developmentally behind and not too different from the others.

I tend to be a pessimist but I foolishly never really entertained the thought that we would have 0 blastocysts by the end of our first <a href="">ivf</a> cycle. Both my husband and I are 31 and we were hoping that this would be it.

We are looking to switch clinics and probably do another cycle relatively soon - for those of you who have done multiple cycles within a short span of time, can you please share how long you had in between cycles? Do you wish you had waited longer in between? Also any experience that you had with a poor first cycle and better/successful second cycle would really help me right now.

I'm going to take today to grieve and try to be hopeful for the morula that was transferred yesterday, but it's hard. It feels like I'm even further away from being a parent than before I started the cycle.