Do u keep trying or give up ?


This is really long I’m sorry but please read :(( So I’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year and a half . We had a rocky beginning in our relationship we were together for a month and he cheated on me . At this time I was a virgin and he’s has mannyyyy bodies . We only hung out with friends so we barely were dating not that it’s ever an excuse . So we broke up and started dating again a couple months later when he changed . I turned him into something I thought was so much better than the person he was . And not to be selfish but I tried to keep him away from his friends that were 100% toxic . He left me on New Years at my moms house to go with his friends 20’min before the ball dropped . And broke up with me on Valentine’s Day. On our one year he promised he would stop because he couldn’t be without me. And I love this kid more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life . I look at him and my heart sinks . I’ve never been so in love . He’s a party promoter and he’s stopped going bc I wasn’t okay with it but tonight he went out w his friend told me he was just going to look at his new car and 4 houss later I don’t hear from him and his location is off. Later his friend posts at a party . Instead of asking me to go he justa goes and doesn’t answer my calls or texts and puts his phone on airplane mode . Idk what to do bc I love him so much but he doesn’t stop . I hate thinking of him with other people and that’s why I don’t want to leave him . But I just wish he would stop. I feel like it’s kind of my fault because he sees me everyday and doesn’t have fun bc I won’t let him. What do u guys think ?