Cant think of another way out.

I cant do it anymore. The emotional abuse is just too much. We have a 7 month old son, I cannot continue to allow this.

I have nothing. I was the bread winner, by far. Now a SAHM. With nothing. He trashed my truck then bought his own and never fixed it.

I havent had body wash in months.

A razor in a year.

I eat pieces of cheese or whatever canned food is in the house while he goes and get whatever for himself everyday. It doesnt matter what I ask for, I cant have it. I'm still wearing maternity clothes that literally are falling off.

I'm constantly told I'm his problem. I'm the reason he is where he is. Which isnt at all true. I helped him get his life together. He was living in his dads basement when we started dating, no job, and I gave him the benefit of doubt because I've known him since I was 6 and he had just gotten out of the military. PTSD. I helped him get back in school. Helped him get what he needed to start the business he wanted. Everything, the vehicle, gas, everything. I did what a woman is supposed to. Uplift her partner. Be a partner.

I've had fucking BV for a month and he wont take me to the doctor or even pick up my prescription. But loses it if we dont have sex.

Every time I open my mouth I'm screamed at.

I have no friends or family around.

All the shelters are full.

All I can think of to get out is to sell myself.

Its fast money and I can get my son and I out quickly. But how will I even do that? I'm a prisoner here and I dont have any options.

I imagine myself hanging from the ceiling fan one day when he gets home. But I wouldnt ever want my son to be raised by only him.

What the fuck can I do?