Anyone have two instances of blighted ovums?

V • 1/19 M/C (Blighted Ovum) 👼, 5/19 M/C (Chemical)👼, 11/19 M/C (8 wks) 👼. Currently🤰🌈 Due Sept 2020!

know part of me is pretty traumatized from the past three miscarriages this past year. At 7 weeks I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum a while ago. My amh is .22 so that is very low for my age I am a few months shy of 40. So I'm finding it very hard to be excited about being 5 weeks today. My HCG doubled twice and I go for a blood test tomorrow on DPO 21. I can't help to be worried that this will be another blighted ovum because I'm feeling symptoms but I did last time with the same diagnosis. I just want to know if anyone out there did get two blighted ovum's in a row I hear it's pretty rare but with someone of advanced maternal age the chances go up.