Dream interpretation

Hi ladies, I had a very weird but vivid dream last night. So here it goes,

My husband and I where on vacation somewhere and we left our hotel room ( which was not a luxury hotel room more like apartments on the beach kind of hotel). When we return I realize my 1 carat diamond ring has been stolen along with my engagement ring, my watch and my gold bracelets (all real and I saw them exactly as is).

Later my hubby discovers a hidden wooden blank on the wall and removes it and we find the watch and gold bracelets but not the diamond rings which makes me so upset. I tell my husband that the most important pieces r lost and he kinda gives me a shrug like oh well and it’s not like he’s guna replace them for me or anything. I must say the 1 carat ring was a gift from my father not from my husband on my wedding day. I get so pissed off and sad in the dream cuz I know that its irreplaceable.

Does anyone know what that could mean? I’m not really into dreams but don’t know why this stuck with me all day.