Male Infertility


Sorry it is a long post!

So me and my husband recently found out that he is having fertility problems and that’s why we have not been able to conceive for the last 4 years. He is not producing much semen and the little bit he does have does not have sperm in it. The doctors did bloodwork on him and it all came back normal. The doctor said that was a very good thing because normally when a man is not making sperm certain hormones will be elevated. She thinks he is producing sperm it is just blocked from getting where it is supposed to go. We got referred to a fertility specialist. He had his first appointment today and they looked at his prostate. They found out that his prostate is enlarged and has multiple calcifications in it. He also has a large cyst that could be blocking something. The doctor said there might not be anything they can do for that. We are scheduling a MRI to be done to check and see if there is something the dr couldn’t see in the ultrasound. On November 12th we go back to have a cystoscopy done to see if there is a blockage but the doctor doesn’t think there will be one because he doesn’t have any problems with urination. She said our only option might be <a href="">IVF</a> so they are going to go into the testicals and see if there is viable sperm in there for that or we can get a sperm donar.

Has anyone else went through this with their husband and can share their experience?? I’m currently really upset that I might not be able to have children with my husband.. This has put a strain on our marriage unfortunately and I can’t seem to wrap my mind around this. It’s been a long 4 years and I thought it was me the whole time that couldn’t have children. I’ve had so much bloodwork done and tests ran to see what’s wrong with me and they couldn’t find one thing so I was optimistic for a while until we found out about his problems.. Any advice would be helpful or experience people have gone through. Thank you!