So its official !!!

I have officially given up on TTC. I just cant do it anymore. Its only been 6 months but i feel like i cant take it. I cant handle it. Disappointment after disappointment, stress after stress, and arguing with my husband about not getting enough sex has all taking a turn on me. Im depressed, im stressed, im just going through it! Husband wants a baby but i dont want to anymore.

Worst part is if he still keep wanting a baby time from now, we will most likely end up getting a divorce, as i do not want to stop him from his dream of becoming a father. I lost my first and by far only pregnancy 7 years ago and nothing has happened, we werent trying nor preventing until 6 months ago. So if anything i shouldve been pregnant by now from all the years not on on birth control.

😭😞😭😞😭 i feel like shit but i had to call it quits