I’m 5 weeks 3 days pregnant and I have some questions


Alright, so first of all

I miscarried in January. So I’m paranoid. I knew I was pregnant for like 3 days and then I just wasn’t anymore (4 weeks 2 days)

I’m paranoid, to say the least.

Every cramp, every twinge of pain, any sort of back ache I’m like “oh fuck it’s happening again”

and this time was accidental pregnancy, we stopped trying after that. So it was unexpected but a blessing nonetheless.

So currently I’m having some back pain. A dull ache, and pressure. Like a stretching feeling.

I’m gassy, bloated and terrified constantly.

I have bloodwork tomorrow morning.

Which is fine I’m looking forward to it.

But for right now this is bothering me, my back hurts, I constantly feel like I have to use the bathroom. Idk what to do or if I’m just noticing every little thing that’s happening.

I’d really appreciate some advice if someone on here is willing to talk me down.

My boyfriend had a girlfriend in high school and he knocked her out by accident and she miscarried( 15 years ago) and then I got pregnant in January and miscarried, is it possible for there to be a connection there? I really hope not but Truth Hurts I guess if it does turn out to be that way.

Thanks yall