Advice please - TWW 😬😊

Advice please 😊

πŸŽ€ 1st day of last AF = 05/10/19

πŸŽ€ Clomid taken (3-7) = 07/10/19 to 11/10/19

πŸŽ€ Follicle Scan = 15/10/19 (confirmed 20 follicles in total with 2 x dominant/viable follicles in both ovaries as well as some medium follicles which could catch up)

πŸŽ€ 21 Day Scan & Bloods = 25/10/19 (showed egg released and bloods confirmed I ovulated - 39ml reading at that point)

Being a clomid cycle, what day is best to test? Everyone talking about DPO but I don’t know exactly when I ovulated as have felt symptoms for past few weeks being on Clomid - nothing showing up yet on tests but still early

TTC #2 after 1 natural birth, 2 (Clomid) miscarries 2016/2017 and 9.5 years of trying in between medical issues (PCOS, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis) so desperately looking to see our 🌈

Advice welcome 😊