Mirena - so far, so good!


When my doctor first recommended Mirena, I told her I would have to think about it and get back to her. At 31, I have never been on birth control of any kind. For weeks, I was scouring the internet and this app to read about other ladies’ experiences. Based on what I read, I became terrified and anxious. There are sooo many posts describing negative experiences and not many about experiences that were simply fine or okay. While I completely empathize with those women who have had a really tough time with Mirena, I wanted to post this for those of you considering it - it’s not all bad!

I have had horrendous periods since I can remember. This is one reason why my doctor recommended Mirena specifically as it is approved the treat heavy bleeding. I had it inserted a week ago (on day 1 of my period) and while the insertion itself was painful (eased up after 30 mins), the discomfort and bleeding since insertion has been completely manageable. My normal period pre-Mirena is worse. After about 5 days, the light bleeding (which was my period) has mostly stopped and I haven’t any cramping for a few days either.

I know it has only been a very short period of time, but so far, so good! I am feeling relieved of the anxiety I had developed around Mirena because of the things I read online. I hope this post (my first one!) eases someone’s mind a bit who might be doing their own “research” to inform their decision. It’s not all bad! :)