Not sure what to do.. 🤔


So we started our baby on enfamil gentlease since that's the brand we used with our first child. But it seems like its causing this baby to not really be constipated since he does poop, but he really struggles to do so. Even to pass gas he sometimes strains. He also spits up on it every now and then which I understand is normal but when he does it happens more than once and it's not from over feeding.

So then our ped told us to try similac pro sensitive but he never finishes the bottle. He drinks 2oz and is done. He won't even take it back. Where as with the enfamil he always ate the full 3oz sometimes 4oz with no issues.

So I'm not sure if I should just go back to enfamil and hope it gets better. Or try another formula. I don't even know what I could possibly try since there is so many. I'll most likely just speak with the ped again to get her professional advice but I thought I'd see if any others have been in similar situations.