
I had a 25 week ultrasound done yesterday.. the tech spent more than half the time looking at the head/skull/brain area of baby.. never said a word to me she just seemed like something was off. When she got to other parts of the baby such as heart she said the heart is beating well, I see 4 chambers that’s good. There’s the stomach, here’s the feet and so on. She talked about every body part.. except the head and the arms.. so then she tells me I can use the restroom while she gathers her information for my doctor (who is out of town for TWO weeks) I come back from the bathroom and she says “hey I’m actually going to look at something again okay, I forgot to get a head measurement” ... I was like okay... but felt a little worried because she spent more than half of our half hour on the head so I’m sure she already measured... so then she looks at the head again for awhile and then looks at other parts again and starts typing stuff really quickly and shut the machine off before I could process what it said. With my anxiety I was just kind of frozen and worried so I couldn’t ask or really say anything.. she looked worried too. The tech walked me out to the front door and said “your doctor will get these results early morning and give you a call okay, drive home safe in the rain”. And gave me a sorry smile and I went to my car and cried because I’m so worried something is wrong with my baby. This is my third child. I had a very dangerous miscarriage at the beginning of the year and almost lost my life. Here is a picture of baby that I got and also the arms.. opinions?