Wtf do I do?? Sleep training suggestions please!!!


My little one used to put herself to sleep. Then we hit leap 3 and that went out the window. Currently I am nursing her to sleep which I want to stop doing. SHE CRIES THE SECOND SHE REALIZES SHE IS GOING IN THE CRIB. So now she is in the crib crying. I will put my hand on her tummy talk to her, sing, rub or rock her gently with my hand. She continues to scream and gets red in the face worked up so eventually I pick her up, which only partly pacifies her. Then I rock her sing ect....until I can no longer take it and just nurse her. Its horrible I know I shouldn't just give in. This happens at naps and nights once asleep for a nap its like 15 min but she will sleep through the night until 4 am then gets up and won't go back down. I don't want to let her cry in her crib hut what other choice do I have??? She cries as soom as she is in the crib.