Selling nudes

Now before I write this , just wanted to say that yes I am 18+ , I know what I’m doing, it’s all good fun and let’s just let a girl have some fun yeah?

Sooo lately I have been sending lots of nudes , and receiving some if I want as well. One guy asked if I wanted money and I said no but he later brought it up again today when I said I wasn’t in the mood for sending. So I’m kinda down with the idea now. I set up a Venmo account (found this guy on bumble btw) and am just going to send him saved ones that I already have.

So obviously I’m here to ask for your input because I never in a million year thought I would even be sending nudes to people but now I might be getting money.....

Is this a good idea? Is it safe? And if so then how much should I be selling them for?

Also I might not even go through with this. I still need to think more about this but so far I’m down with the idea.

Thank you!!