Timing of FET after PGS?


I haven’t really understood from my doctor what the timing will be like for our first FET. The retrieval was 2+ weeks ago, and we got the PGS results back yesterday. We have several viable embryos (🎉) but after my period started about a week ago, the dr put me on BC in order to prevent me from starting another cycle I guess.

So my question is, now that we definitely know we have viable embryos, will I have to wait until the end of this cycle, and start a new cycle with more shots, before doing the FET? Or could we still do an FET in this cycle / within the next week or two?

I think my dr just didn’t want to make plans for this phase until we got the PGS results back (one step at a time) and now I’m just waiting for our next call/appointment to make the plan.

Any input would be helpful, thanks!