Dear ******

You ruined your chance of having a family when you cheated on your now ex boyfriend but my boyfriend while he was working on the road to support you your son that’s not biologically his and his son and daughter. You got pregnant by another man did drugs while pregnant with all three of them and gotten the kids taken away when your youngest son was born because he tested positive for meth. You ruined all of that, you stole and sold your kids stuff for drugs, left them in a play pen all day long while you were in the bedroom getting high. I have been there for the kids and their father since the first day we met, I have taken care of them this whole time, buying diapers, clothes, food,toys etc. I drive an hour and a half about 6-7 times a week just to see the kids and you never see them you always cancel your visits but then want me and my boyfriend to video chat you on our time with the kids so you can see them. I think that if you really wanted to see your kids then nothing would stop you but since you like to tell me the kids should’ve stayed with you in the first place, I’d like to point out that if they did they would be malnutrition, have open sores on their bottom from you not changing them for hours and hours. I personally think you should just give up and let me and their father have them seeing that we are getting them permanently January 9. We shouldn’t have to give up some of our time with the kids that we worked so hard for to you who hasn’t done nothing but sit around and get high all day. Those kids deserve better and that’s what me and their father plan to do for the rest of our life.