Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Depo


Hi ladies. I was on depo for three years and during that time frame I did not menstruate at all. My last shot was November 18th 2018. My husband and I have been ttc since January even though I did not start getting periods back until June 2019. Since June I have been bleeding on average every OTHER week. (One week on, one week off and back again). I've had a hard time tracking my ovulation days and such. My last cycle was in the middle of October. (13th -17) I have not had a cycle since. A few days ago I started noticing some symptoms.

>My nipples have been REALLY sore. (This is not something I have before menstruation and this is a new feeling to me)

>Heartburn (I never experiance this)

>Having to pee every 20 minutes or so. It was really bad today at work, I was constantly running to the bathroom :(

>CRAMPING, LOTS OF CRAMPING. (Not extreme pain but definitely noticeable)

>Lower back and hip pain, but that is common for me.

>I had a really weird vivid dream that I was pregnant and had a baby


>Extra and white discharge during intercourse

I'm sure it's too early, but I took a test yesterday and I got a BFN. When would be a good date to test? My cycle is not regulated yet and they have been really short. (Last one Oct 13-17)

Hopefully these are all good signs and I'm really holding out hope for this 💖

I'll be sure to update this and let y'all know the outcome and if AF comes or not. I've been expecting it all week and I've been getting too anxious. I just want to know 😩🤞