Post partum pelvic floor - low cervix - retroverted uterus



I am 18 months post partum. Following the birth I had typical incontinence issues which resolved in a couple of weeks. Since then I was able to resume jogging and high impact exercise though at times I did feel a bit “buldgy” and felt like tampons weren’t staying in properly.

In August I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. During that pregnancy I felt a significant change in my pelvic floor and was peeing a little during high impact exercise.

I’m now pregnant again, about 6 weeks.

I’ve seen a pelvic floor specialist who did an internal exam. She said that whilst my pelvic floor muscles are quite strong, my cervix is currently very low, most likely impacted by having a retroverted uterus.

She has given me the typical pelvic floor exercise to conduct 3 x daily and recommended I cease all high impact and deep squatting exercise. She said it’s likely that I will need to wear a pessary ring as the pregnancy progresses to support my cervix/uterus. Will see her in a month to check my progress.

Has anybody had similar experience?

What sort of impact would the low cervix have on the pregnancy/birth?

Thanks for any advice