Sperm donor, articial insemination or natural?

Has anyone considered sperm donation? I am running out of time and currently my marriage failed mostly due to infertility and the exhaustion and other relationship differences. Im looking at all options because I do not want to regret once it's going to be late. Im 38 years old. Already had 3 chemical pregnancies and 1 miscarriage. Considering AI or even NI with a donor that is clean, tested, etc. Will use fertility clinic for safety reasons as they do all testings. I've signed up and am getting familiar with donor websites. It seems a bit risky. Lots of men out there who are willing to donate with nothing in return even without intercourse. Just because wanting to help someone in need to start a family. As these men say when they became parents it was the best gift life could offer.

What are your thoughts on this?