

To begin, The past 2 years have been a roller coaster of events and downfall. It all started when I was dating my girlfriend at the time. We had a long lasting relationship that was very much intense and filled with every emotion imaginable. I had almost every first time experience with her, sexual related and drug related. We had a lot of fights and toxicity that I really donā€™t want to remember or say because they are graphic and horrible. She manipulated me for 2 years to stay with her and when I broke up with her after she caught me cheating online she begged for me to stay and wanted to have sex and be with me even though I cheated on her and I was making the decision that the relationship was done. I truly donā€™t know why but after we broke up she began to develop hatred towards me and I caught her stealing from me numerous times after we broke up and once when I caught her taking from me she attacked me viciously and then told everyone at school I assaulted her. After that I was being pressed and beefed at school by guys that thought I attacked my ex. I tried explaining the whole situation, some understood and some didnā€™t want to hear. Since that incident where I was attacked. I became distant with every single one of my friends since they witnessed what happened. I tried regaining friendship but it turned out that I was being followed and stalked by people who wanted to steal from me and attack me for reason I still donā€™t know (I have my suspicions). After that I stopped trying to regain friends and lost everyone completely. I tried to Hang out with a kid that didnā€™t like me because he told me that he was being forced to beef me by older kids and he wanted me to know that weā€™re chill. So I hung out with him for about 30 minutes at really late at night. Just getting High. Then after we smoked some weed I said to him my Uber was on the way and that I had to go, he said it was all good and I went out to sit on a hill to wait for my uber. About 3 minutes went by and I see two people approach me from the dark. It was the kid I had just been hanging out with and an older kid. They both walked up to me and told me to ā€œrun my shitā€ or they will ā€œrun it for meā€ I replied with ā€œI am not givin tv you anythingā€ and sat there. They both then proceeded to grab me flail me around punch me in the head face kick me in the stomach and also try effortlessly to rip my bag off of me. I kicked on of them in the stomach and got up as quick as possible and ran into nearby traffic. I stopped a car and told him I had been attacked. Right the. My Uber arrived and I got in safely and got away. Now itā€™s November and I havenā€™t contacted the police due to 0 evidence. And i just got a harassing phone call a few days ago stating that the kid that attacked me that night was in my house when i was in school. And proceeded to tell me things that were in my home and Tell me the exact location. I seriously have no evidence and I have been struggling witth trying to just get them to stop and I also am in the worst depression of my life and I need help with this situation Iā€™m so stuck.