Did they do the right thing????


OK so a month ago on October 3, 2019 I lost my son due to an incompetent cervix he was 21 weeks exactly... While I was in the hospital between 09/30-10/02 they checked my cervix 3 times via speculum... They checked me 2 times before my water broke and 1 time after my water broke.... After his birth they biopsied the placenta and told me that I gave birth to him because I got an infection... They gave no medication or did anything to try and prevent infection or my water breaking.... Could them checking my cervix via speculum multiple times after already knowing my cervix was dilated and my amniotic sack was “bulging” through my cervix have caused me to loose my child??? Does anyone have any idea or any proof that this could have caused me to loose my son? The Doctor did other questionable things when I was there and I want to make sure that if I do file a complaint against her or take any other actions that I have my information straight...