Any teachers in this group? Really questioning my career....

Hello!! I am a first year teacher and think I hate my job. The effort needed to be a teacher is just not something I want to reach, all the outside work, etc. I see people post on Facebook that they’re up at night worrying about their students...this sounds bad but I forget they exist the second I leave.

I have no desire to put in crazy effort to make my lessons “cool” or “fun” (I do sometimes though force myself) I can’t wait for the day to be over, and I don’t think about any of it at home until I have to (lesson plans).

What is this? First year blues? First real job hitting me in the face blues? Or do I truly sound like I’m not meant to teach?

Really considering looking for a new job after this school year but my husband just thinks it’s because it’s my first year. How was your first year?