Uk mums, home birth or nhs hospital birth?

I am umming and arring about what birth I would like this time round. I feel I would like a home birth to be able to be more relaxed, in darkness with candles and most importantly WATER. I want my bath tub!! However my first birth I was induced as my water went at 36 weeks. No complications apart from pushing for 1.5 hours due to stopping myself as I was scared and it burnt like hell. The cord however broke off and the midwife luckily managed to get it out before the hour time cap before needing any intervention. Does everyone think a home birth this time would be too risky or are you just as safe being at home? I just don’t want to not have the chance of using water (obviously if I’m Induced again I understand I would be in hospital with no water birth) and plans don’t always go but just in general what are people’s opinions on home births especially after having one birth in hospital?