Hiding my poas addiction from my husband! 🤐🤫🤭


My husband and I have been TTC for 5 months now. My last two cycles I have really become addicted to testing. I've had two miscarriages one being a chemical and the other a little later. (These miscarriages were about a year apart and my last one was 9 months ago, but it made us realize we would like to start trying.) My thought process was, if I could find out asap I could somehow help myself from miscarring. Even though I know that you can't help things like that, and they just sometimes happen.

I am constantly buying tests and testing way too early. I have even tested while on my period. 😖

The worst part is I am hiding all these tests from my husband. I'm so embarrassed to tell and show him. I feel like if he found out he wouldn't understand. He would question why I wouldn't just wait til I miss my period. I hate this. I don't like keeping things from him, and I want to stop testing so early. I keep telling myself I won't, then the Tww comes and I cave in and test. How do you girls keep busy and not think about it so much during your TWW?