Pregnant with Low HCG

Brittnie • Happily married. Mama to an angel baby 👼 11/10/19 👣 Rainbow baby 8/21/21 💙 baby girl 8/26/23

Was in the ER 11/1/19 for pelvic pain left side (just an ovrian cyst) they check HCG levels only 136 (5W2D) recheck less than 48 hours 11/3/19 (docs mistake) 179 HCG (5W4D). Then recheck on 11/5/19 and HCG was 242 (5W6D). Has this happened to anyone and ended up having a healthy pregnancy. I feel like my HCG should be higher. Worried :( I've been TTC for 2 years. First positive. First pregnancy