Can someone help me....

So I take anxiety meds. And when I dont take them my head gets all dizzy and I feel stoned like. And I rarely smoke for one cuz I'm not a fan of feeling high. But i get really dizzy. I feel like I'm gonna pass out or fall and i get like a push feeling very often. I get chills and throw up.. all cuz i forgot to take my meds ... i was on them for a couple months and now I'm not taking them at all cuz that scares me how much of like withdrawal symptoms i am having. I dont want to be on drugs that make me feel worse then i was before i started taking them... what do i do... if i talk to my doctor she will get annoyed cuz this is the 3rd or 4th time I've tried different meds. I just wanna feel normal and not have to live off of meds. Especially heavy ones. I plan on starting a family soon...